Pool Liner Replacement in Laval, Montreal and All the Laurentians

Our models of canvases for in-ground swimming pools

Our models of canvases for above-ground pools

Are you looking for a reliable and fast pool liner replacement service in Laval, Montreal and the surrounding areas? Look no further! We specialize in the installation and replacement of pool liners, suitable for all types of pools, whether above ground or in-ground. Bring your pool back to life with our durable and aesthetic solutions.

Why Replace Your Pool Liner?

 - Leaks and wear: An aging canvas can lead to leaks and significant water loss.

 - Improved aesthetics: Give your pool a new look with modern patterns and colors.

 - Increased durability: The new canvases are designed to resist bad weather, UV rays and wear.

Professional and Quality Service

Une grande piscine est entourée d'un patio en briques et de chaises.

Get your quote!

Call us at 450-669-5656 or contact us for a quote

Professional assessment: We inspect your pool to advise you on the best liner to choose.

 - Wide choice of canvases: Available in different patterns, colors and thicknesses to suit your tastes and budget. Check out our canvas models.

 - Expert Installation: Our experienced technicians guarantee a perfect fit and quick installation.

 - Maintenance and advice: We explain how to extend the life of your new liner.

Our Pool Liner Replacement Services

Une grande piscine avec des escaliers qui y mènent.

We operate throughout the Laval, Montreal and surrounding areas, including:







If you are located in another nearby city, contact us to check our availability.

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